Mrs Fíona de Buitléir – Retirement
Friday Oct 23rd will be a sad day for Ennis National School .It will mark the retirement of Fíona de Buitléir. Fíona has worked in Ennis National School since 2000. We have been very lucky to have had her expertise, generosity and kind-heartedness for the last 20 years. Fiona has been a valued member of staff. She has excelled in the area of Dyslexia as she has made our Reading Class famous throughout the country. She is still bringing happiness to the Reading Class children as you all saw from the recent visit of RTE News2Day to her class. Fíona led our band throughout her time in Ennis National School. With her leading the way, our band has performed in some prestigious events. She is also the person behind our extremely active Twitter account. Once again, through Twitter, Fiona showcases the amazing things that are happening in the school. When Fiona walks out the door she will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience with her. But most importantly, the school is going to lose a caring and compassionate member of staff. She will be sorely missed.