The Ennis National School Parent Association is all of us. By having a child in this school, you are a member of the association and a valued part of this school community.
As per the Education Act 1998 “A parents’ association shall promote the interests of the students in a school in cooperation with the board, Principal, teachers, and students of a school and for that purpose may advise the Principal or the board on any matter relating to the school and the Principal or board, as the case may be, shall have regard to any such advice.”
The purpose of the Parent Association (PA) is to provide a structure through which the parents /guardians of children attending Ennis National School (ENS), can work together for the best possible education of their children.
We care about the educational and social experience of our children and work to build bridges between the home and school for effective partnerships.
We are a point of communication between all the parents of the school and the Principal and the Board of Management.
All parents/guardians of pupils at ENS are members of the Parents Association and are invited to volunteer in whatever capacity you can offer.
If you are new to ENS and have not yet received a Welcome Package, please do reach out to us and we will get one to you.
Our email address is pacommittee.ens@gmail.com
Instagram account @ennisnsparentsassociation
The committee works on behalf of the parent body to communicate to the administration questions and suggestions that fall within our purview. We organise events which support parental involvement and can help fund our activities. The committee will strive to meet at the school every 1-2 months to allow for open communication and to discuss projects.
At the beginning of every school year, we have our Annual General Meeting where we refresh our committee for the year. Some volunteers will step off the committee and we hope to welcome new members on. Volunteers are asked to join the committee for a minimum of 2 years for continuity and a maximum of 4 years to allow space for new members to set forth their ideas and to avoid burn-out of volunteers who need their time back. After a 2-year break from the committee, you do have the option of rejoining if desired – we always appreciate all the enthusiasm and help from everyone while also balancing the benefit of “passing the torch” for others to shine.
Expectations of our committee members are as follows:
Commit to 2 years – Keep informed and be prepared – Participate (we ask for attending a minimum of 1 meeting per term, volunteering at a minimum of one PA activity through the year, and participating on 1 subcommittee) – Put your existing abilities into practice whilst learning new skills – Listen carefully and exercise patience – Collaborate with and support the team – Ask questions and give thought out opinions – Be reliable if you agree to take on a task – Represent the PA positively to the ENS community – Undergo a Garda vetting.
PA Committee for 2024/25
Shayla Hilpert – Chairperson
Noelle Carew – Treasurer
Lorna Ganda – Secretary/Communications Officer
Eileen Tobin
Saphina Nandawula
Fiona Eason
Mariusz Cwirko
Marcin Grochowski
Kat O’Shea
Nileptha Sergeant
Claire McCarthy
Ifeoma Ugwueru
Brian Troy – School Representative/Deputy Principal
Eileen McNamara – Board of Management Parent Representative
Adrian Fennell – Board of Management Parent Representative
The Ennis National School Parent Association continues to be a member of the National Parents Council (NPC) which is the only recognized representative organization for parents of children in early, primary, and post-primary education in Ireland. It is a charitable organization which aims to make sure that parents’ voices are heard and strongly believes that children should also have their say in issues that affect their educational lives. NPC exists to ensure that all parents are supported and empowered to become effective partners in their children’s education. Our PA committee leaders share information through the school year from the NPC about education sessions and also reach out to them for advice on our procedures and activities. For more information visit npc.ie
All ENS parents are welcome at any PA meeting whether they are on the committee or not. Meetings are held every 1-2 months in the evening at the school and will be posted prior to on our social media platforms.
We will not assign jobs to you for being there, we invite you to see the workings of the committee, ask questions, share ideas, and just meet some new people.
Minutes of each meeting are posted on this website (link below).
Through fundraising activities with parent volunteers the PA finances our projects and contributes to fun events for ENS children and families.
The following are activities that the ENS PA manages or has participated in throughout the years:
-Running a Tuck Shop (sweets and snack shop) on the night of the school’s Halloween Quiz night.
-Complimentary Tea/Coffee Reception at the Christmas Concerts.
– Creating a welcome package for new families and organizing a welcome reception on the first day of school.
-Organising special speakers to come talk to pupils and/or parents.
-Running a tuck shop on the night of the Christmas Disco and organizing a Christmas raffle.
-Organising and managing the annual Flag Day (accepting donations in front of businesses from passers-by).
-Facilitating the annual School Photo Day.
-Organising a spring time Fun Event (in the past this has been a Bingo night or another Quiz).
-Organising and managing the Communion, Confirmation and Graduation receptions for students and their family.
-Organising commemorative hoodies for the 6th class students as well as a graduation reception and small parting favour.
-Helping to recruit volunteers for the annual Fun day in June and ordering and paying for some extra games and entertainment for the day.
– Running a second-hand uniform sale.
-Assisting in the Jr/Sr Infants Halloween Hobble.
John: “It was a great way to meet people and learn about the community, having recently moved to Ireland. Organising and helping at events – especially the discos – was huge fun. The graduation ceremony over lockdown stuck in my mind. We had to have it outside, and it was sad for the children who’d had a rotten year, but it was still a very beautiful event.”
Sarah: “I enjoyed meeting other parents in the school but also being able to give back to the school from a parents perspective. I made friendships with parents in other years which was great for me as I don’t do the drop off or collections. I took on the treasurers role then Covid hit a few months later. As the 6th class at the time were missing out on the privileges of their last few months, we decided to remotely order them the 6th class hoodies. We handed them out in the school car part from the boots of our cars.”
Stephen: “We canvased hard to make everyone feel that they could come on board. We worked hard to get a balance of voices. A parent to represent each community. Basically a voice to represent all the corners of the school. Getting to know and work with people from different walks of life and we were all in it for the same thing, our school that our children love. I’ve made great friends from our time, yes some had disagreements but that’s normal too. The PA has grown and grown over the years with some things working and other things not, so thank you to every member that continues to give up their time year in year out.”
Lorna: “I joined the PA to give back to the school, little did I know I would learn a whole new skill set through getting involved with different tasks. I have gained as much as I have given to PA. ENS in particular do not see the PA as a fundraising committee, it is so much more than that and they value the thoughts and opinions of parents.”
Eileen: I joined the PA to give something back to the school and to be more involved in the school community. I have also found it very enjoyable being part of it and looking at the joy in the children’s faces when we help with activities.”
Shayla: “I like to be an active participant in where my children are. Joining in on Parents Association activities is a great way to get to know the school staff and other parents and be involved in some of the inner workings of the school. It’s also fun to be able to contribute extra activities and programs to enhance school life. My children like knowing I am involved where they are.”
View most recent meeting minutes and news from the Parents Association here
Helpful Resources from the Parents' Association
Who's Who in your child's Primary School?A National Parents Council publicationGetting involved at Ennis National SchoolDeveloped by the Parents' Association at Ennis NSWelcome to our new pupils from the Parents' AssociationDeveloped by the Parents' Association at Ennis NSParent Complaints ProcedureAgreed National Parent Complaints Procedure for Primary Schools