Healthy Lunches
At Ennis National School, we believe that healthy lunches are essential for our pupils’ health and wellbeing, supporting their learning and development throughout the day. Eating nutritious foods pro-motes good general health, aids fitness and improves their chances of listening and learning in our classrooms. It assists school and home in the important task of raising healthy, active, happy and well-balanced future adults. To promote healthy eating, we encourage parents and guardians to provide balanced lunches that include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein sources.
The Lunch Bag Service
For families seeking a convenient lunch option, we offer The Lunch Bag service, which provides healthy, delicious meals for students. Here are some key details about this service:
- Parents/guardians can order lunches through The Lunch Bag website at Please ensure that lunches are ordered at least 48 hours in advance to guarantee availability.
- The Lunch Bag offers a diverse menu that includes vegetarian and gluten-free options, ensuring that there is something for every dietary preference. All meals are prepared with fresh, high-quality ingredients.
- Lunches are delivered to the children’s classrooms each morning.
Small Treats on Fridays
To celebrate the end of the week, a small treat is acceptable to be included in lunches on Fridays.