Parents’ Association Meeting March 7th 2024

ENS PA Meeting 7th March 7:30pm
Shayla Hilpert
Saphinah Nandawula
Eileen McNamara
Eileen Tobin
Lorna Ganda
Fiona Earon
Micheal O’Brien
Marcin Grochowski
Mariusz Cwirko
Noelle Carew
Michelle Summerly
Kat O’Shea
Brian Troy
A new concept was introduced, to allow PA members a chance to make general comments and ask questions, at the beginning of all PA meetings.
General comments/ questions:
Eileen McNamara introduced herself as the Board of Management Parent Representative and explained her role). She will bring any issues we have to the school board.
We spoke about the pupils possibly wearing green for St. Patrick’s Day for either €1/€2 with the proceeds possibly being split between the PA and Sunshine club. We would also speak with the Sunshine Club to find out if they need any funding for anything.
Currently the PA have €2500 in the pot and €2300 earmarked for the playground markings. We will request a report from the treasurer, before each meeting, so the PA can know how much money is in each pot.
The question was asked whether there is a total goal needed for the PA to raise each year. It was explained that there is not a total to reach, just events to cover.
It was asked if we can only fundraise when needed so as not to hit up the parents every month for money.
Flag day acknowledgement:
Letter of thanks read out by the BOM to the PA acknowledging how successful Flag Fay was.
It was suggested for future Flag Days we could have posters advertising what we are raising money for. Also to be easily identifiable as parents and students from ENS.
Spring Bingo:
We discussed having the screens in the hall displaying the sponsors who donated the prizes for the Bingo. Marcin showed us an example of how it would look. He also asked us to cease new sponsors/prizes by March 22nd in order to give him enough time to create the slideshow.
The slideshow will also include any notices from the PA.
We have all the Bingo prizes we need. We need more prizes for the raffle.
We have €550 in cash; €400 of which is for the Bingo Lady. €150 to be spent on raffle baskets.
We discussed how to get back our deposits on the plastic bottles. We agreed to include it in the price of items.
For future events we will be looking at fixing the SumUp machines and maybe using a QR code to take payments.
Lorna will also be looking into getting a Revolut business account for the PA; after speaking with Noelle.
We talked through plans for the Communion reception.
First class parents will be asked to supply food for the Communion.
The PA will pay for the flowers and treat bags with a keepsake/momento for the occasion.
The PA will be providing:
Flowers, Sandwiches, Balloons, Tablecloths, Bibs and Napkins.
Hoodies have been ordered and children will also be receiving a bracelet saying Class of 2024 as a gift from the PA.
Next Meeting: April 18th 7:30pm

March 7th 2024 – Photo of Sixth Class Pupils with the graduation hoodies – organised by the Parents’ Association
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