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Parents’ Association Meeting Jan 18th 2024

ENS Parent’s association 

Meeting minutes

18th January at 19:30



Shayla Hilpert

Saphinah Nandawula

Eileen Tobin

Lorna Ganda

Kat O’Shea

Brian Troy

Loretta O’Connor

Marcin Grochowski

Fiona Earon

Mariusz Cwirko



Michelle Summerly

Noelle Carew



Loretta talked us through how Bingo works and how the PA volunteers help out on the night. She also talked us through the price of the Bingo books and examples of prizes.

Loretta advised us to ask for sponsorship towards our Bingo night.

It was decided that the Bingo night would begin at 19:00 and end at 21:30.


Loretta O’Connor left the meeting.


Flag day:

Fiona informed the Comittee about the progress with the volunteers for Flag day. More people signed up to volunteer. It was also decided who would collect the buckets before and after flag day.


6th class hoodies:

Eileen and Lorna talked us through what was going on with the 6th class hoodies.

Survey to go out to 6th class pupils to decide on the colours of the 6th class hoodies.

€24 this year for the jumper.

Hopefully jumpers will be ready for 8th April.

A digital sample will be sent out to parents and kids.

Children will choose between 8 colours to whittle down to 4 colours.



Pavement markings:

Shayla talked us through the progress she and Kat had made with the pavement markings.

Working on a proposal for a board of management meeting.

Called other schools who have used Tagline to do their pavement markings.

Good reviews. Have lasted over 10 years at another National school.

Will also be using the free council service: numbers, letters, lines, paint (3 colours).

Will be done right before the long break. (Easter)

There will be a combination from Topline and DIY ones.

Topline costs €600. They offer more complex designs.

A survey will be put out to the students for their opinions on pavement markings.

Something for the older classes.

Possible sponsorship from Cootes paints.


Welcome wagon:

Shayla talked through what her, Saphinah and Lorna had been doing with the Welcome Wagon.

A survey was created on survey monkey, for parents, to gain information on what they wished they knew when their children started at ENS.

Shayla presented a mock-up of the Welcome Wagon folder that contained all the information and pamphlets a new family would need.

Shayla discussed the current status of the trial.

Uptake has gone down.

Hot option should be considered.

Perhaps a survey could be conducted about trialing a hot lunch option or for continuing or stopping at the school.

We need to ask for order numbers/feedback to see if we continue having them as an option at the school.


Meeting ended at 21:00.


Next meeting: 7th March at 19:30.


Christmas Raffle organised by the Parents’ Association


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