Parents’ Association Meeting April 18th 2024

ENS Parents Association Minutes
Date: 18/04/2024
Time: 07:30pm
Venue: ENS Staff Room
Minutes taken by: Lorna Ganda
Meeting Attended By:
Brian Troy
Shayla Hilpert
Marcin Grochowski
Mariusz Cwiryo
Eileen Tobin
Kat O’ Shea
Noelle Carew
Fiona Earon
Michael O’ Brien
Saphina Nandawula
- Welcome & Apologies
- 10 minute general Q&A
- Bingo Feedback
- Update from treasurer
- Communion Reception Update
- Info Re: Internet Safety session with Maureen Griffin
- Christmas Card Fundraiser
- Subcommittee Updates
- Creative Schools & PA Role
- 6th Class Graduation Reception
- Fun Day Ideas
10 Minute General Q&A:
- We discussed the possibility of helping the school in some way with the audio/visual department after seeing how well the set up for bingo looked on the night. DP agreed that what the school has is in need of updating and that it is a topic that has been brought up in conversation within the schools management.
- A proposal was made regarding setting up an Instagram account for the Parents Association and gave a chance for objections from other committee members; nobody objected and therefore the decision has been made to set up an Instagram account with the goal to reach more parents of the school on a platform other than Facebook.
- Thank you to Ger for hanging the hooks on the back of the kitchen door, now coats and bags can be hung up instead of being left on the counter space in the kitchen.
- Thank you to Lorna, Eileen, Noelle and Shayla for doing a deep clean in the kitchen leading up to the bingo night.
- Big thank you to the bingo team for making the night a huge success. Eileen, Lorna, Marcin, Noelle and Shayla for the weeks of cold calling asking for prizes and sponsorship.
Bingo Feedback:
- Feedback from the bingo was positive from the school community. Great feedback about the amount and quality of prizes on offer.
- The school commended the committees efforts in putting the bingo together and sourcing all the prizes
Update from Treasurer:
- Christmas Disco tuck shop earnings, bingo earnings and total account balance (after the bingo) were read aloud by the treasurer
- We discussed some ways that money could be spent. We will have funds going towards the First Holy Communion reception, Internet Safety Talk with Maureen Griffin, 6th class graduation, Fun Day, Pavement Games and Climbing Boards.
Fun Day Ideas
- We made it clear at tonight’s meeting the role of the PA and of the school in organising the Fun Day event
- We spoke about ideas such as dance, hook a duck, face paint, temporary tattoos, inflatables on the astro turf, we will think about these and choose what we feel is best to go ahead with.
- We agreed that we need to contact Laura Jane from Breakthrough Dance Company to check her availability
- We need to contact ‘Champion Castles’ regarding availability also and inform them that the pitch is now astro turf so that nothing can be pinned down into it
- Fun Day usually runs from shortly after 9am until 12:30pm
- No date has been set as of yet for Fun Day
Communion Reception Update:
- Balloons have been ordered for delivery on the 4th of May
- Sign up sheet sent around for those available to help at the reception to sign up to do so
- Book marks were ordered for the children as part of their package from the PA for making their communion which was presented to the PA at tonight’s meeting
Info Re: Internet Safety session with Maureen Griffin
- It was explained what the internet safety session is and how it works
- It was confirmed that the school have Maureen booked to speak to 5th & 6th class students on Tuesday 7th of May 2024
- PA requested to book her to speak to the parents on a date after the session with the children at a cost of €500, Maureen is yet to confirm the date.
- Sign up sheet was passed around for those to sign if they can help serve hot beverages on the evening
Christmas Card Fundraiser
- PA has been in contact with two companies regarding the Christmas Card fundraiser and had a sample of a card at this evening’s meeting
- School explained that this fundraiser has been used in the past and they would come back to us with information as to why they stopped doing it
Creative Schools & PA Role:
- The Creative Schools Project was briefly explained
- Shayla let the committee know that she and Lorna were invited to have and had a meeting with Aoife Kelly & Eamon Corry regarding the Creative Schools Project.
- Ideas were printed and distributed to committee members of some ideas of projects that could be done under the Creative Schools project and explained ways in which the PA could be involved
- An idea was that an event could be held for students to present the work they do during the Creative Schools project to their parents and the wider community instead of doing bingo again next Spring. This idea was liked by Brian & the PA Committee – a mix of culture and creativity was the idea around the event.
6th Class Graduation Reception
- Possible date of 27th June, 2024. To Be Confirmed by the school
- Sheet sent around for those to sign up to help at the graduation reception should they be available to do so
1st Day of School Reception:
- Pre – Covid there was tea, coffee and snacks from the Parents Association served in the hall for parents/guardians of Junior Infants so they had a chance to stay at the school whilst their child settled in, got a chance to meet and speak to other parents with children starting and to meet PA members. This has not happened post covid.
- It was agreed at this evening’s meeting that this would be brilliant to bring back on the first day of school for the coming school year
- We would open it to all parents and not just junior infants so any parent or guardian would be welcomed in for a hot beverage and a chat.
- This would give the PA a chance to introduce themselves and hopefully get some new faces to our meetings and possibly on to our committee.
Next Meeting Details:
The next Parents Association Meeting will be held in the ENS Staff Room on Thursday 23rd of May 2024 at 7:30pm.
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