Parents Association Meeting, 12th April 2018
1. Board of Management update
Emer O’Reilly communicated to the meeting that school athletic jerseys have been ordered. Also the Aladdin app has been improved and the take up has been encouraging.
2. Wear green to school day
The annual fundraiser for the PA took place on the 16th March and €531.91 was taken in on the day.
3. Confirmation
There was a good crowd at the Confirmation reception which was held in the school by the PA. The feedback received was very positive and the photographer proved very popular on the day.
4. St. Patricks Day Parade
Acknowledgements were made on all the help received from volunteers at the parade. The PA provided goodie bags. A lot of hard work went into creating the float and organising for the parade.
5. Bingo
The profit from this event is €1785.05 for the school. The Tuck Shop took in €337.20. The PA worked hard getting in all the donations for the night and there was a very good turnout.
6. Hoodies
Hoodies are being organised for the 6th classes by the PA. A text is to be sent to the parents from the school to remind parents that the payment of €22 should be in by Monday 23rd.
7. Sports Date
The date has been confirmed as Friday 15th June. Organisation is underway for various activities and volunteers will be required.
Health Awareness week will also be held that week in the school. A cooking demo is to be organised and some members of the PA will assist at this event.
8. Communion
The First Holy Communion for the ENS pupils is on the 21st of April. Tea & reception in the school is being organised by the PA in the hall. Donations of sweet & savoury treats for the reception will be sought from First class parents.
The DVD for the day was organised by 2 parents with Tony Kelly at a cost of €10 per DVD. PA are not involved this year but hope to organise the same next year with Tony Kelly if possible.
9. Health Promoting Schools
The organising of the After School Directory is going well. Each ad will cost €75. The launch date will either be in June or September decisions are still being made. Brian Troy is coordinating this and will update on progress in due course.
10. Junior Entrepreneur Project
Feedback on the project was received from parents. Comments were made on the frequency of money being requested from the school, also the lack of communication as to what the money is for or how much. It was felt that it was a lot to ask the junior students to relay messages home about these events. Suggestions were made about how the event could perhaps be improved, acknowledging the benefit of it for many students.
11. AOB
Garda Vetting is needed for all PA members. Forms were handed out at the meeting.
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