Student led Science, STEAM and Craft
Jack’s Super Spinner
Eva’s Excellent Spinner
Danbi’s Robot Hand
Laura’s Dinosaur
Eva’s Dinosaur
Christopher’s Dinosaur
Bird’s in my garden- Power point- Click on the link.
Creating a Chemical Reaction with baking soda and vinegar.
Christopher tries Luke’s experiment. Super!
Dancing Raisins- Adam’s tutorial
Jack’s Dancing Raisins
Christopher’s Dancing Raisins
Balloon Hover craft -Kirsty’s Tutorial
Christopher’s Solar System
Laura’s Solar System
Aaron’s Solar System
Christopher’s puppy
Laura’s Puppy
Luke’s Puppy
Bouncy Egg
Part 1
Part 2
Christopher’s experiment didn’t go to plan…… scrambled eggs!
Fireworks in a Jar
M and M experiment- sugar dissolves in water
Laura’s Experiment
How much air can my lungs hold?
Eva tries Christopher’s Experiment- How much air can my lungs hold?