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Ms. Harding’s Skip Counting Challenge!

Counting in 3s

Luke counting in 3s 3-93 just 18sec!!

Aaron counting in 3s 3-93 an amazing 18 sec!!


3-93 30 sec

Counting in 4’s

Michal counting in 4s 4-64 13 sec.

Lily 4-40 7 secs


Christopher 19 sec   counting from 4 to 100- Excellent

Luke- 33 sec 4- 100. Nice work

John 4-40  an astonishing 6 seconds!

Liam 4-100 18 seconds…. Excellent!

Jack 4-45  6 seconds!!! Wow!




Lily 5-100 7 sec!!

Liam 5-100 9 sec!!

Christopher 5-100  13 sec!

Luke 5-100 8sec!!

Counting in 6s

Luke 6-90 8 sec!!

Aaron 6-90 12 sec!!

Eva 6- 102 14sec!

Counting in 7s

John 7-70 5 sec

Luke 7-84 8 sec!!


Christopher 7-84 7 sec!!

Counting in 8s

Aaron 8-96 -10 sec!

Luke 8-96 7 sec!!

Christopher 8-96 6sec!!

John Counting in 7s and 8s 7-84  8-96 13 sec!!

Deaglan Counting in7s


Luke 9s 9- 108 7 sec

John 9-108 5 sec!!

Christopher 9s 9-108 8sec!!

Liam 9-108 6 sec!!

Aaron 9s 9-108 8sec!!

Counting in 10s

Luke 10- 120 4sec!!

Christopher 10-120 5sec !

Liam 10-120 5sec!


Liam 1-132 8 sec!

John 11-132 8 Sec

Luke 11s 11-121 7 Sec!

Christopher 11-132 8sec!!



Christopher 12-144 9 sec
