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Ms.Harding’s Challenges April 20th – May 1st

 Paddle Boat

Christopher’s excellent paddle boat.

Cleaning brown oxidised cents-Experiment

Christopher’s super experiment.

Luke’s bird feeder is a success!!

Chemistry with Jack

Egg in a Bottle eggsperiment.

Christopher’s brilliant demonstration.

Luke and his mother Sharon’s hilarious experiment!!!!

Pom Pom Pals

Luke and his mother’s magnificent monsters.

Christopher’s Cuddly Bear.



Hannah’s Brilliant Bird


Sofia’s Super Caterpillar.


Eva’s Excellent Pom Pom Pals

Smart Phone Projector

Luke’s projector

Laura’s excellent Smartphone projector.


Lily’s smart phone projector

Bubble Blower

Eva’s super bubble blower.

Eva’s Fabulous Flowers



















