Amazing Apples
For a fortnight during September junior infants were learning LOADS about apples. We learned the sound that the word Apple begins with, ask us to name something beginning with a! We printed with apples, we made play dough apples, made an apple collage using crepe paper, we built towers on apples, played Apple bingo, measured how many apples tall we were, visited the apple sapling in our school garden, sang about apples, listened to the story of Johnny Appleseed, learned about parts of apple and the life cycle of an apple tree, tasted four types of apples and made a graph of our favourite ones and to put the “apple” on the cake our support teacher Ms. Bennett kindly helped our class to prepare a delicious apple crumble! On apple investigation day we checked the colour of our apple and coloured it, checked if our apple had a stem or not, got to weight our own apple using a balance and blocks, measured how many cubes tall our apple was, and measured the circumference of our apple.