Children’s Ark Unit Book Donations

‘This morning three of the Parents’ Association Committee members went to UHL with three of the sixth class pupils as school representatives to meet with Fiona and team to donate 60 books to the Children’s Ark Unit.
When we were planning the book fair, it was decided that a voting station would be set up for all children at ENS to cast a vote so that every child had something to do at the book fair whether they were making purchases or not. To go with the theme of ‘Reading is Magic’, the voting choices were magical lands and Hogwarts was the winning choice and therefore one of the stacks of books donated to the hospital was Harry Potter themed books.
When we reached out to the hospital about the donations, they were thrilled and said they were mostly in need of preschool aged books and teenagers so approx 30 of each were bought through our scholastic rewards.
Upon arrival we were greeted by Fiona and brought to the Ark unit. We met with one of the consultants and one of the hospitals secondary school teachers. We were then brought to the school in the hospital to donate the books and meet more staff and some of the children who were doing home economics lessons. It felt really good to be able to give to the Children’s Ark Unit knowing some of our school community have had to avail of their services.’
Parents’ Association, Ennis National School
Chairperson: Shayla Hilpert
Secretary: Lorna Ganda
Treasurer: Noelle Carew