“Books Galore”

The Parents’ Association held a Scholastic book fair in the school foyer for a week in February. Scholastic give back 60% of the value of books & stationery sold in rewards. We are thrilled to have been able to give over 275 books, worth over €3500 to our school from the rewards earned in the book fair. A further €50 worth of books was donated to Realta Draiochta preschool for the future pupils of ENS to enjoy. This shows what can be achieved when a community works together. Without the parents/guardians/ grandparents/children, school staff, management and Parents’ Association we wouldn’t have these rewards so a huge thank you to everybody that gave their time making decorations for the fair, setting up the decorations, giving their time to work at the fair voluntarily and to those who made purchases. When planning to have the fair, our goal was to have something different at the school for the children to enjoy, with the ‘Reading is Magic’ theme and some beautiful and fun decorations. After day one we were blown away by the fairs success. When we investigated closer we realised the Scholastic book fair hadn’t been to ENS since 2007 meaning none of the children currently attending ENS had experienced the Scholastic book fair. We really loved the week of the book fair and witnessing the children’s reactions. Hearing them chit chat about books, helping to write their wish lists and the added bonus was when we got to stack and deliver the book piles to the classrooms. So much joy and smiles from the children and teachers alike.
Parents’ Association, Ennis National School
Chairperson: Shayla Hilpert
Secretary: Lorna Ganda
Treasurer: Noelle Carew