Bóthar Sale 2018
Our annual sale for the charity Bóthar run by 5th classes at Ennisns was held on Friday, December 7th. There was a lively atmosphere on the 5th class corridor as class after class arrived to buy all kinds of donated ‘pre-loved’ items – books, toys, games, ornaments- and the usual fabulous home baking.
There was an impressive Food Court in action all morning in the Reading Class Room – fresh waffles, pancakes, doughnuts, and muffins were being made on the spot and sold to peckish punters.
Fresh popcorn was a huge hit and we had to send out twice for further supplies of kernels!
Many thanks to all who donated goods to the sale and to all our young shoppers of course. Everyone had a great time and rumour has it that the amount raised will exceed last year’s total. We must wait until Monday to find out!