On Friday last, February 2nd, former pupil and local businessman Kieran McDermott took time out of his busy schedule to visit the students of 6th class as part of our ‘Jessie’s’ Project. Kieran shared his story and gave advice & great insight into life in business. The children really enjoyed his visit and posed some interesting questions that Kieran kindly took time to answer to wrap up a fantastic morning.
We then moved onto the next phase of the project which was presenting the businesses ideas chosen by the children in a ‘Dragon’s Den’ format. The children bravely answered some difficult questions posed by the demanding Dragons (Ger, Ms. Marren & Mr. McInerney) and each group made a very good account of themselves. We look forward to pushing ahead with the business ideas around Easter!
Thank you very much to Kieran & the Dragons and well done to everyone for putting in great work!!