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Ms. Tiernan’s School Closure Work

Senior Infants                                                  Ms.Tiernan                                                            School Closure

J P Wordbook: page 22 “ee”      page 23 “ea”

Library books: Access new books online via Oxford Owls. See link on school website. Your child can either read these books online or listen to the audio version. Question your child on what they have read/ heard. They should be able to retell you the story.

Tricky Words: Jolly Phonics Wordbook page 46/ 47 {1-35} Revisit these words previously learnt. Your child can use their Jolly Phonics copy to put each of these words into sentences. Also feel free to engage in dictation with your child, call out simple sentences using as many tricky words as possible.

Free Writing: Encourage your child to write each day on a topic of their choice. They should have ten minutes to write and ten minutes to draw and colour.

Letter Formation: Revisit letter formation, both lowercase and capital letters. {Aa- Ss}

Maths: Oral Maths – Counting 0-50   E.g Start at 6 and continue until I say stop…

Start at 27 and continue until I say stop….

What number comes before __?  E.g 14, 25, 34

What number comes after ____? E.g 16, 29, 44

Odd and even numbers

Revisit number formation

Write out the story of number 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 e.g. 5+0=5, 4+1=5…

See Maths links on School website under Class Life – Senior Infants


Gaeilge: RTE junior 10 @ 10. Option for English and Irish versions.


Art: Drawing and colouring  – Art Hub on Youtube

Your child can use sheets/ a copy or if they have a whiteboard to complete any written work. Please feel free to send in any work your child has completed.  enter the code IRLTWINKLHELPS for resources all on curricular subjects.
